My New Hugo Site

  1. Bash
    1. Filters
      1. grep
      2. Sed
      3. jq
    2. Shellspec
  2. Design
  3. Architectural Patterns
    1. Systemd
    2. Message Broker
    3. JSON-RPC
  4. Go
    1. Concurrency
    2. Web Applications
    3. Compound Data
    4. Json
    5. Go vs Erlang
  5. Prolog Cookbook
  6. Documentation
    1. Hugo
      1. Go Html Template
      2. Table of Contents
    2. HTML
    3. CSS
      1. Color
      2. Style Guides
      3. Layout
    4. Mathjax
  7. Visualization
    1. D3
      1. Venn Diagrams
    2. SVG
    3. Visjs
      1. Network
  8. Data
    1. Yaml
    2. Events
      1. JSON-LD
    3. JSON
      1. jCal
    4. SQL
  9. JavaScript



# Comments start with one or more hashes

# Collections. The convention used by Hugo is
key1: value1
key2: value2

# Collections can also be written as curly bracketed, comma separated objects
{ key1: value1, key2: value2 }

# Collections double as dictionaries
dict1: { key1: value1, key2: value2 }

# There are 2 ways of doing arrays
# Either using a dash prefix on several lines
- item1
- item2
- item3

# Or as a comma separated square bracket list
array2: [item2, item2, item3]

## nested arrays are allowed.

 - key11: val11
   key12: val12
 - key21: val21
   key22: val22

- {key11: val11, key12: val12}
- {key21: val21, key22: val22}