My New Hugo Site

  1. Bash
    1. Filters
      1. grep
      2. Sed
      3. jq
    2. Shellspec
  2. Design
  3. Architectural Patterns
    1. Systemd
    2. Message Broker
    3. JSON-RPC
  4. Go
    1. Concurrency
    2. Web Applications
    3. Compound Data
    4. Json
    5. Go vs Erlang
  5. Prolog Cookbook
  6. Documentation
    1. Hugo
      1. Go Html Template
      2. Table of Contents
    2. HTML
    3. CSS
      1. Color
      2. Style Guides
      3. Layout
    4. Mathjax
  7. Visualization
    1. D3
      1. Venn Diagrams
    2. SVG
    3. Visjs
      1. Network
  8. Data
    1. Yaml
    2. Events
      1. JSON-LD
    3. JSON
      1. jCal
    4. SQL
  9. JavaScript

Compound Data

JSON and Go



package main

import "fmt"

type Vertex struct {
	Lat, Long float64

func main() {
	m := make(map[string]Vertex)
	m["Bell Labs"] = Vertex{40.68433, -74.39967}
	m["Google"] = Vertex{37.42202, -122.08408}
	val, ok := m["Bell Labs"]
	fmt.Println("The value for Bell Labs:", val, "Present?", ok)
	val1, ok1 := m["Microsoft"]
	fmt.Println("The value for Microsoft:", val1, "Present?", ok1)
	delete(m, "Google")
	m["Bell Labs"] = Vertex{37.42202, -122.08408}

JSON to map


Read Unmarshal

package main

import (

func main() {
	var jsonBlob = []byte(`[
	{"Name": "Platypus", "Order": "Monotremata"},
	{"Name": "Quoll",    "Order": "Dasyuromorphia"}
	type Animal struct {
		Name  string
		Order string
	var animals []Animal
	err := json.Unmarshal(jsonBlob, &animals)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
	fmt.Printf("%+v", animals)

Write Marshal

package main

import (

func main() {
	type ColorGroup struct {
		ID     int
		Name   string
		Colors []string
	group := ColorGroup{
		ID:     1,
		Name:   "Reds",
		Colors: []string{"Crimson", "Red", "Ruby", "Maroon"},
	b, err := json.Marshal(group)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)

Write MarshalIndent